Search results

  1. mean dad

    AIG considering suing US over "unfair" bailout loans

    Shameful The board of A.I.G. will meet on Wednesday to consider joining a $25 billion shareholder lawsuit against the government, court records show. The lawsuit does not argue that government help was not needed. It contends that the onerous nature of the rescue - the taking of what became a...
  2. mean dad

    BART No Pants Day

    Official No Pants Day is Sunday, January 19th. I may just ride around all day in my chonies.
  3. mean dad

    Sometimes I'm disgusted by humans

    The Rape Crew, a group of high school athletes, protected by local law enforcement and prosecutors On August 27, 2012 two members of the Big Red High School football team in Steubenville, Ohio – USA were arrested and charged with the rape and kidnapping of an out of town 16 year old girl that...
  4. mean dad

    Gun thread search...

    Looking to purchase a pistol, and I remembered there was a thread about which gun makes a good first-time purchase. Ammo availability, ease of use, etc. No need to rehash the entire thread, so if anyone has a link to it, I'd appreciate it. I clicked back several pages looking for it, but no joy...
  5. mean dad

    Mt Diablo Searchlight

    I'll be riding my motorcycle up, so that makes it moto-related. Every year on December 7th, the searchlight on top of Mt Diablo is illuminated until dawn the following day to commemorate the attacks on Pearl Harbor. If you've never been to the top, it's a pretty impressive view, and a nice...
  6. mean dad

    Another Cop Bashing Thread (NYPD cop gives homeless guy new shoes)

    NYPD cop did this to a homeless guy Typical blue meanie.
  7. mean dad

    Vasco closed Nov 5, 2012 3:00

    No motorcycles involved. Major accident on Vasco close to Camina Diablo , use alternate route.
  8. mean dad

    Ear pressure

    My ears are stuffed, and I want them not to be. I rode around in Santa Cruz yesterday, and had ear plugs in for the ride home. I almost always wear them on the freeway, and I really don’t think they were inserted any differently than any other time. My ears are stuffed like when you go over...
  9. mean dad

    Hawthorne peeps!!!

    I lost the controller for my electric vest in Hawthorne. I took it there in case we rode back in cold rain, and I can't find it anywhere. I've gone through every item of luggage that was on my bike or in the pretty thing's truck to no avail. I really doubt if it just fell out somewhere, so I'm...
  10. mean dad

    Anyone else have dreams about losing your helmet?

    Had a dream last night that I've had many, many times before. The details are always changing, but the crux is that I'm riding my motorcycle and suddenly realize I don't have a helmet on. I start to feel almost panicky, for the safety and the legality of it. I then spend the rest of the dream...
  11. mean dad

    Moto down on highway 4 @ Bailey Rd

    6:44 AM 10 [22] [Rotation Request Comment] 1039 KandS Towing W/ FB // 925.709.0759 ***************************************** [Shared] 6:41 AM 9 [20] ALL LNS BLK''D FOR NOW WILL TRY TO OPEN [Shared] 6:28 AM 8 [6] 1039 1141 [Shared] 6:27 AM 7 [11] [Appended, 06:28:13] [5] MC SLIDE TO THE SLOW LN...
  12. mean dad

    Bikini Basketball League

    I wonder how much season tix are? To all fans of the Lingerie Football League who are wondering about what they will watch when the season ends, you can stop worrying. The Bikini Basketball League is here. "This is a competitive basketball league, so we are definitely looking for girls that...
  13. mean dad

    Kawasaki's "headlight delay"

    Since my '85 Ninja, all the Kawi's I've owned have a cool feature that keeps the headlight off when the key is turned on, until the starter button is pushed. It actually keeps it off until the motor spins once or twice. Is this a removable component that I could install onto another bike, with...
  14. mean dad

    Marin County pair injured in high-speed motorcycle collision

    more bike-on-bike love motorcyclists survive crash
  15. mean dad

    Looking for stock DRZ turn signals

    I don't know if they're different between models, but I'm looking for the DRZ-SM version.
  16. mean dad

    95 killed, 34 motorcycles destroyed in tanker explosion

    free fuel, with a catch... tanker crashes, locals rush to collect spilling fuel with not so hilarious results. the majority of those killed were motorcycle taxi drivers.
  17. mean dad

    WTB DRZ400 motor

    Posted in "Parts for Sale" before I realized we have a "Parts Wanted" forum. Looking for a donor motor from a DRZ400. If I have a choice, I'd like the dirt bike version for the FCR carb, but I'm wanting to ride my sumo, so I'll take what you got.