Recent content by pinhead78

  1. pinhead78

    Someone putting debris on Hwy 9??. Aug 14, 2020

    Is this real? Has anyone encountered this or have a CHP report? If Hwy 9 is your regular route, please be aware that someone on or around August 14th, 2020 was deliberately putting nails and oil on the road...
  2. pinhead78

    Kids riding pillion laws - Bay Area

    Hello LEO Forum The other day I was out in my car running errands when a large V-twin motorcycle pulls up to the front of the line with a child sitting pillion. This is the second time I've seen this particular motorcycle and rider. The first time was near a school with a young girl on the...
  3. pinhead78

    Skeleton Passenger on Halloween?

    Hello LEO Would I be getting into trouble if I mounted a human-size Skeleton onto the passenger position of my motorcycle and rode around with it this October? This would be around my local-neighborhood, and maybe highway-9 then Skyline to Alice's and back. No Interstate or large-highway...