Recent content by LakeMerrit

  1. LakeMerrit

    WTF 880

    Can we get past the shitty grooved concrete roadways once and for all? They are currently replacing all of 580 with grooved concrete, and massive chunks are already missing (before they've even finished the project).
  2. LakeMerrit

    Did you lose your Suzuki key (and keyring) near Brooklyn and Hannover in Oakland?

    Someone posted this on nextdoor and said to call them at 415-840-6876
  3. LakeMerrit

    CODE ONLY- Yamaha R/World Track Day (Monday, 8/12/19)

    Hi I bought an MT-10 and got a code for the Yamaha-only Monday event: When my fiancee found out it was the Monday before our wedding, I was informed that I need to pass it on to another Yamaha owner :rofl If you have a yamaha bike, and want to...
  4. LakeMerrit

    2004 Triumph Speed Triple

    I bought this bike last summer from another BARFer who was the original owner. This is an old-ish bike with the miles to show it. When I bought it the brakes were a bit gummed up and not working great, so I completely rebuilt them with brand new teflon coated pistons (spec'ed for the Daytona)...
  5. LakeMerrit

    How to cope with being bikeless

    My bike is waiting on a part to ship from europe, and will be out of commission for three weeks. The kicker is that when I ride into work, I save ~2 hours a day over driving the car (oakland hills to south palo alto). Renting a bike for 3 weeks would be rather expensive, and I don't have room...
  6. LakeMerrit

    Another commuter bike thread

    Soliciting recs for a new commuter bike-- 80 mile rt bay area commute so ~1 hr each way with many splitting (including the narrow dumbarton). So far the Super Duke GT caught my eye. What would you recommend? Edit (because I should have specified in the first place): The advice to get a...
  7. LakeMerrit

    Mission Street merchants hate the red lanes, regardless of any benefits to transit The boneheaded bus only plans are killing city businesses. Who'd have thunk that you can't take BART to buy a wedding dress? The SF stupidvisors never cease to...
  8. LakeMerrit

    Luxury or Economy for Long Commutes

    If you have a long (hour plus) commute, what's your thought process for days you don't ride in? Do you get a hybrid/economical car to save $ or a nicer/luxury car with a decent ride/interior because you're spending 2-4 hours of your life in it each day you drive in?
  9. LakeMerrit

    Dashcam video shows instant large rock thrown by man shattered SUV windshield on 680 Taking fire. Pull to side, engage enemy :troy Fucking loony tune living next to the highway
  10. LakeMerrit

    SF getting a $415 million windfall. How will the mayor and supes spend it? Give. It. Back. You duped the bleeding hearts into supporting these egregious taxes and now you want to plump the slush fund with the excess? Give me a break.
  11. LakeMerrit

    Local Dullard Infests Reservoir with Highly Invasive Species Animal lover releases highly invasive tilapia into Lake Chabot, to the detriment of native species and the lake overall, given the Tilapia's tendency to overpopulate, eutrify, and kill lakes....
  12. LakeMerrit

    Has anyone every owned a late model BMW for more than 5 years and would recommend it to a friend?

    I'm thinking about cars, and while I like beemers, I've yet to find anyone who's had a late model beemer for more than 5 years and hasn't gotten completely livid with BMW NA and sworn off the brand. Anyone here who's had a good experience?
  13. LakeMerrit

    Laughing teens make boy with cerebral palsy lie in muddy creek, using him as human bridge. "Honestly, it's sickening," a 17-year-old junior told the paper. "It's a little upsetting to see nothing done about it." Well then "junior" fucking do something about it. One day when I was in...
  14. LakeMerrit

    RIP Unnamed Chinatown Motorcyclist

    Godspeed Chinatown rider :rose
  15. LakeMerrit

    M4M- Redwood Road

    You were in a group of 4 gents on late model adventure bikes doing laps on Redwood Road on Sunday afternoon. Your leader was wearing a hiviz vest over his riding jacket. You were 3rd in the group, on what I think was a KTM adv late model. You weren't riding very fast. Redwood Road is plenty...