Recent content by kend135

  1. K

    Write the Governor

    Sorry I am asking again but, this stuff never ends. Thanks!!! Kenny Everyone who represents a group - club - organization listen up! All you club presidents, group members, The Governor's office wants to hear from organizations that represent groups of people that can write intelligent...
  2. K

    Off Highway Vehicle Defense Council

    Well check this out. Looks like a new Sheriff has rolled into town. Looks like the OHV community has really united and banded together to address a serious issue and maybe future issues. Help us out and please donate. Thanks!!! Ken Deeg OHVDC
  3. K

    ABC 7 story about Clear Creek

    I have been very busy and noticed this was not posted here. We can't have that!!! Enjoy!!!:sniper
  4. K

    Natural Resources Committee Grills BLM Director Abbey re: Clear Creek

    I have been making friends with people in very high places. These friends in high places make the BLM, US Forestry Service and National Parks Services cry.
  5. K

    Hell For leather and Clear Creek

    I have been very busy making friends. Who have I been chatting with?