Recent content by Joser510

  1. Joser510

    Anyone got a sleeping bag

    Talked to a homeless friend of mine while giving a away food and clothes at my dads business and he said he really needs a sleeping bag so im wondering if anyone here has one they would be willing to give away or sell one for cheap if i have no luck ill end up going out and buying him a new...
  2. Joser510

    Locksmith in east bay

    just my luck so Saturday i posted about a flat so finally after patching it up i go to get the keys so i can go fill the tire and the keys are no where to be found its been a few days now and no luck so i'm getting prepared to have a locksmith come out but after a few calls the cheapest i could...
  3. Joser510

    Can I do this with my tire?

    So after riding for a while I noticed something was off I stop and see a huge nail sticking out of my tire now I know on car tires you can put a plug and your good to go I was wondering if I can put a plug on the tire and it be safe to ride until I can get a new one:dunno :dunno
  4. Joser510

    Trying to decide on some boots

    So I'm taking my msf class in a week and the only piece of gear im missing is boots im stuck deciding between A*smx-1 Cortech Latigo air rr A* smx-6...
  5. Joser510

    Newbie! From cars to motorcycles

    Hello everyone So After weeks and weeks I went and got my first sports bike I know I did it sort of backwards but I should be taking my written test tommorow and in the process of getting the rest of my gear:)