Recent content by DazVFR

  1. DazVFR

    90-97 VFR Saddle, sprocket cover, left rear turn signal, brake light

    I've got these random parts from when I was in the process of putting my 4th gen VFR back together. Unfortunately the bike was wrecked so these parts are sitting here in the boxes I ordered them in. All from eBay. All in perfect working order except the saddle which has a couple of small tears...
  2. DazVFR

    Florida VFR GUY

    Hey guys I'm Daz. I rode a VFR 750 out here summer of 16. Some douche totaled me on the highway and now I'm on an 800. Anyone doing any ldr or just hitting twisties let me know! I'm also an ex mechanic so I am always down to help with any projects when i can.