Recent content by Bad Santa

  1. Bad Santa

    VW to sell Ducati?

    Dieselgate is the gift that keeps on giving...
  2. Bad Santa

    FZ-07 vs GSXS-750

    A friend from work is taking his MSF and looking at getting his first bike. He is interested in the two models in the subject line. What say BARF? Anyone with first-hand knowledge of one of the models would be particularly welcome. Note: Standard non-sequitur responses such as "Ninja 250"...
  3. Bad Santa

    This Virginia is a mighty strange territory

    I recently relocated from California to northern Virginia for my job, and I'm having trouble wrapping my head around some of the things I am seeing. For example, people in my new neighborhood leave their motorcycles parked in the driveway in front of their houses. I mean, just parked there, in...
  4. Bad Santa

    Okay, here's a weird one: two license plates, one bike

    Okay, so I bought my Tuono back in March, and the license plate and registration card arrived fairly quickly. More than two months later, however, I still had not received the title, and was beginning to get somewhat concerned over what had happened to it. Finally, a day or two ago, the title...
  5. Bad Santa

    The Tuono in its natural habitat

    This morning the "low fuel" light blinked on at the 81 mile mark.:laughing I'd read the reviews and didn't expect great fuel mileage, but jeez...:wtf Other than that... best freakin' bike in the world!:thumbup
  6. Bad Santa

    Define: "Irony"

    The dude in the Chevy Silverado who changed lanes without signaling or checking his blind spot, cutting me off and nearly forcing me into the median, during my commute this morning... had "Ducati", "AGV", and (best of all) "WATCH FOR MOTORCYCLES" bumper stickers festooned all over his...
  7. Bad Santa

    How long should it take to receive CA title?

    I bought a Tuono V4 from Pro Italia Motors in Glendale back in March. It's been nearly two months now, and I still have not received the title from DMV, and I was wondering if this is normal. (This is actually the first time I've bought a new bike from a dealership in California, so I'm not...
  8. Bad Santa

    Hyper-paranoid about bike theft; am I doing enough?

    Okay, so I live in an apartment complex in an upscale part of L.A. county and have underground parking. Yes, since moving in, I have discovered that apartment building underground parking garages in nice parts of the city are like Costco for bike thieves. My last bike, a 2008 Hayabusa, was...
  9. Bad Santa

    Aprilia Tuono V4R: 600 mile review

    Okay, so I finally plunked down for a new 2014 Tuono last month, and approaching the 600-mile break-in service point, thought I would give you my riding impressions thus far. /SPOILER ALERT// In a word: Amazing!:thumbup:ride I'd been interested in the Tuono virtually since the first moment I...
  10. Bad Santa

    Stolen Hayabusa (L.A. area)

    Fucking goddamned thieves. Any L.A.-area BARFers, please be on the lookout for a stolen 2008 Suzuki Hayabusa, blue color, mostly stock, CA license #20L1011. Stolen this morning from the gated parking garage of my apartment complex in Rancho Palos Verdes. The bike has Termignoni slip-ons, so...
  11. Bad Santa

    The "Please Drain My Battery" Key Position on Suzuki Sportbikes

    This evening (and not for the first time) I had a neighbor ring my doorbell to inform me that the lights on my Hayabusa were on. Fortunately, the battery (recently replaced) was still fresh, and the bike cranked right over. If you're not familiar with this phenomenon, when you are turning the...
  12. Bad Santa

    I got shown the door

    And not in a good way. Me: Riding experience 20+ years. For the last approximately 2.5 years, I've been riding in Chiang Mai, Thailand. If you've ever ridden in Northern Thailand, you know it's pretty much a "traffic-enforcement-free-zone", and people tend to ride/drive accordingly...
  13. Bad Santa

    Requesting Advice From Current 'Busa Owners

    Hey, all. My current bike is a 2008 Hayabusa which I bought new in Sep' '08 and is currently completely in stock form. All in all, this is a fantastic motorcycle, definitely the best I have ever owned in 20+ years of riding. The motor is superlative and can't be improved upon. The handling...
  14. Bad Santa

    Funny vid--Stunter FAIL this a repost? Probably a repost. Whatever, still funny. :rofl
  15. Bad Santa

    This is my 'Busa... there are many like it, but this one is MINE!

    So, just got back from a year in Iraq and had a great big wad of cash burning a hole in my pocket. I've been itching for a new bike for some time, my ZRX was getting a bit long in the tooth, and I wanted something big, fast and (relatively) comfortable. I tossed around the idea of a K1200S...